Greetings From the Glamour Possum
Mischief. Magic. A Marvelous Wardrobe.
Welcome to my world of embracing the grotesquely beautiful. As a curve model, I strive to create something timeless, while changing the fashion industry from within. As a writer, I want to share my experiences, from the everyday to the otherworldly. Everyone deserves to feel beautiful, even when that beauty comes from some unusual places.

Delphine Kelly is a Philadelphia based curve model. A lifelong love of storytelling lead her to combine a witty way with words with her eye for detail and knowledge of art history. She studied drama in both Philadelphia and London, as well as creative writing up and down the East Coast. She's been shot by a multitude of talented photographers, always playing multiple roles as model, art director, wardrobe provider, and stylist. As a writer, Del is still finding her voice. Though eclectic, her blog entries will cover all her passions, including fashion, body image, art, relationships, travel, and all the real life moments that have lead to her being who she is today.

"Pour yourself a drink. Put on some lipstick. Pull yourself together."
Elizabeth Taylor